Tuesday, August 30, 2016

It's All Impossible....Until You Do It!

The picture above is my race number from the very first official 5K run along with my finishing time on the back.  The trainer of our bootcamp at the time encouraged us to sign up for it so reluctantly, I accepted the challenge and took my husband with me.  When we arrived early on that Saturday morning in Southlake to the run, I was already regretting that I had signed us up.  Running had never been my "thing". I ran all through high school for punishment in athletics for losing a game, slipping out a cuss word on the court or for a million other trivial reasons.  I never wanted to run again once that season of my life was over. Needless to say, I hadn't trained for it either other than going to bootcamp twice a week.  It was too late to back out now.  The "race" started and my mindset is that I will never be able to run 3 miles without stopping. I've never done it before, so why did I think at the ripe old age of 42 that I could/should do this? It just wasn't going to happen. Might I mention that the path on which we were running was not exactly flat the whole way either.  Another obstacle to conquer in my brain!  When my husband and I approached what seemed to be the um-teen-th hill in this race, I slowed to almost a walk, but my husband wouldn't let me stop.  He kept prodding me along, telling me I could do this.  I thought he was crazy, but after about 3 steps walking, I began to jog again and before you know it, the finish line was in sight.  YES!!!  I had done the "impossible"!  I made it to the end with just those 3 steps of walking and the rest running!  I was so tired, but I also was SO PROUD of myself for completing it!!!  My husband knew the gratification I would feel if I completed the 5K.  I just needed him to shift my mindset when the belief in myself was lacking.  It was a great feeling of accomplishment, and I felt as if I owed it to him for not allowing me to stop (even though I wanted to punch him at the time).

A week or two later, the 5K people emailed me some pictures they had taken of me running. They depicted the exact pain I was feeling while doing that run for sure! I shared them with my brother and he even asked me, "Were you dying?"  I told my husband, "I am going to buy this picture because this is not only the first run I have done, it is my LAST!"  I do not ever want to run again!  I wanted to end it on a successful note and not ever have to feel that kind of pain again. So I did!  I bought the picture and even wrote the date and time on the back of it so I would remember my one and only run! (I couldn't find it or I would share).

Guess what?  My husband again did not let me stop there.  On Sundays, when he would run, he would invite me to go with him.  I resisted A LOT at first, but one day, I decided to go and "walk" the track with him.  I couldn't stand it.  I had to try running again! I started with accomplishing a mile without stopping.  In a few more Sundays, I increased to two and then later, three!  Then....I started signing up for more and more official 5K runs and always competed with my time from the last one I had done.  Before I knew it, I had become a "runner" with dozens of T-shirts and race numbers to show for it!

Now, six years later,  I run my own personal 5K at least once a week with my husband on Sundays, and I still compete with my last time.  I have continued to sign up for 5K races in the fall for fun!  Who would have ever thought I would put "running" and "fun" in the same sentence? I have also won some medals for first and second place in my age division! I even completed a 10K this year beginning with the same fearful mindset only to finish it running the whole way with my husband by my side again! Another accomplishment in the books of  running!  What a journey this has been for me to conquer!  I don't regret one moment of it.

My point is trifold. One, fitness/running/working out is a mental thing. Your body can do so much more than your mind thinks it can.  It's only impossible until you do it! Secondly, starting a new health and fitness journey is so much better when you have someone to do it with.  I would not be where I am fitness-wise today without the gentle nudges and support from my husband!  And three, even though its tough to start over again, as long as you do, you haven't failed! So keep striving for your health/fitness goal(s), no matter how "impossible" they may seem now.  It's all impossible until you do it!

If you are ready to accept the challenge of upping your fitness/health game, I would honored to be your "gentle nudge" to help you get started and set yourself up for success!  Simply contact me via email below.  I can't promise you it will be easy, but I can promise you, it will be worth it!  I have been there enough to know!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Are You Novaturient?

The last few weeks, I have totally experienced writer's block!  I have started and stopped at least 3 blogs, but none of them were publish-worthy.  Then I came across this new word that intrigued me.  It was "novaturient". It means "desiring or seeking powerful change in one's life, behavior or situation".  I think most of us as human beings are "novaturient", but we stop with just having the desire without taking any action to make it happen! We might even know the exact actions that we need to take, but are just too comfortable where we are or fearful of failing to take that leap of action.

Isn't it like that with a lot of things in life.  We see making changes in our behaviors and habits as being too hard to try.  Or maybe we are just waiting for "opportunity" to knock at just the right hour and then we will jump in?  Change is hard, and sometimes it is our lack of faith in our abilities that gets us stuck and keeps us there.  Someone once said, "You're desire to change has to be greater than your willingness to stay the same." I find that to be very true in my life.  What I have learned when I do decide to take action is that that particular situation was designed to help me grow in some way.  As a result, that "novaturient" desire is met making me feel more confident and complete in my life's purpose.   We must be constantly learning and seeking ways to help each other connect and reach new heights.

It's kind of the same thing with health and fitness, which is my passion.  We get stuck doing all of the things of convenience such as fast food stops, comfort food binges, and/or sitting through another Netflix binge instead of getting up and moving.  We get stuck.  Then before we know it, we have gained 10-20+ pounds, feel miserable and are insecure in our own skin!  And then starting over is such a pain (literally) that we just can't even bear the thought of it so we try to convince ourselves that we will just learn to become content just as we are.  Trust me, I have been through this cycle many times. There is something to be said for loving yourself unconditionally. I am all about that! However, when you put your health at risk because of fear of failure or being too comfortable, it might be necessary to tap into your faith.  Faith that you can do it.  Faith that you don't have to do it alone. Faith that you can succeed in becoming the healthy person you have always wanted to be.

So if you are finding yourself "stuck" as I described, here are some things to possibly help you start taking the steps you need to take.

  1. Visualize yourself in 5-10 years doing what you are doing now in all aspects of your life.
  2. Ask yourself if that is where you want to be?
  3. If not, make a list of realistic steps you need to do to get to where you want to be in that time frame.
  4. Commit to doing at least one of those steps a week.  The first step is the hardest one, but it is okay to take baby steps.  You're still moving in the right direction!
  5. Set a time frame as to how long this goal will take you.  Deadlines can enforce action.
  6. Tell others what your goals are and what you are planning to do to reach them so that you have an accountability factor. You might even ask some people to join you in the same quest.
  7. Read personal development books that will encourage you to stay on the path you choose.
I hope this might be helpful to people who find themselves "stuck". You have lots of interpersonal growing awaiting you so be a little "novaturient"!

This is what the challenge groups I run are all about--the above steps.  The only difference is you are doing it with a group as a group going towards the same goals.   If you are "novaturient"  and ready to create change in your health and/or fitness, I would be happy to help you set some goals and offer support along the way to help you feel more confident in your quest for developing better habits.  I know it is hard to start over.  I have been there and still struggle from time to time. It is so much better doing it with a team of people on the same mission!  If interested, simply contact me via the email link below.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Opportunity Awaits!

Hey, All!
I have a great opportunity to share with you!  Have you been putting off doing the things that will get you to a healthier you?  Have you been waiting for a "sign" to start?  Well, I am here to tell you about an opportunity to win MONEY for simply working out and drinking your Shakeology consistently for four weeks!!  It is true! Beachbody is starting with a base of one million dollars, adding $5 to it every time someone buys a challenge pack, which are ON SALE this month!  The bonuses just keep adding up!  There is no better time to join a group than now with those two "signs" in your favor! Here are the deets:

  1. Ask a BB Coach to invite you to an accountability group by August 31.
  2. Download the free Challenge Tracker App to your phone or device.
  3. Workout a minimum of 3 times a week and post it into the App.
  4. Drink your Shakeology a minimum of 5 times a week, post it and a picture of it into the app.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 for 4 weeks consistently and you win a piece of the pie!  That is IT!  The money will be divided equally among all who meet the requirements to the bet!  Can you say, "Show me the money"?
Here are the weeks in which you must post the above into My Challenge Tracker App:
Week 1:  Sept. 5th - Sept. 11th

Week 2:  Sept. 12th - Sept. 18th
Week 3:  Sept. 19th - Sept. 25th
Week 4:  Sept. 26th - Oct. 2nd

If  this is the sign you have been waiting for to get yourself back to the you that you desire to be, then simply fill out the google form below!  September 5 is not far away so don't delay! I look forward to serving you with support along the way. I can assure you, it is the best decision I have made in a long time.  You deserve that, too!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Sundried Tomato, Spinach and Cheese Stuffed Chicken

I just tried this recipe tonight and it is the BOMB!  Especially if you love sundried tomatoes!  Enjoy!

Ingredients and instructions:

·  Two large chicken breasts
·  3/4 cup Kraft Sundried Tomato Vinaigrette Dressing & Marinadehttps://ir-na.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=yammsnosh04-20&l=as2&o=1&a=B000E1DSU4 (salt and pepper and olive oil would also work fine)
·  1/2 cup sundried tomatoes
·  1/2 cup roughly chopped spinach
·  1/2 cup feta cheese
·  1/2 cup mozzarella cheese
Optional variation: Use fresh basil instead of spinach for a different flavor.

·  Marinade the chicken breasts in the dressing for a few hours (I actually skipped this step. I just dumped some on right before I cooked them because I was doing it last minute).
·  With a large sharp knife, carefully cut the chicken breasts like hotdog buns. Don't cut all the way through.
·  Open the chicken breasts up where you cut them and layer on the remaining ingredients. It's okay if you can't fit all of it in, you can just leave some out. Just squish in as much as you can. Stick a couple of toothpicks in near the opening to keep it all together.
·  Heat up a pan and sear the meat on both sides. You can lower the heat and continue cooking the meat on the stove until it's done or, if you're using a cast iron skillet, you can put the pan in the oven at about 375ºF. You could also just completely cook it in the oven on a baking sheet if you don't feel like searing it. Just make sure you cook it until the center reaches 165ºF on a thermometer.

21 Day Fix equivalents:
1 blue, 1 red, 1 green, 1 orange

To learn more about the 21 Day Fix nutritional program, contact me at fitnessbarrnone@gmail.com

Monday, August 15, 2016

Planning is the KEY for success!

When you commit to eating clean, one thing you must tackle first.  It takes planning ahead of time to be successful!  I'm just being honest with you.  I am going to share with you some of my tricks for making the planning process a little easier, and it will be so worth it once you get the hang of it!

First, create a plan for your daily meals and write it out. If it involves recipes, pull them out for the week and have them handy.  Make a list of all of the ingredients you will need to make those meals happen, including your snacks.  Sidenote: You should be incorporating snacks into your day between your main meals so that you are not starving by the time lunch or dinner arrives and overeat as a result.  Plan for meals containing healthy proteins, fruits and vegetables as those are the foods that your body needs in order to function optimally.  Don't forget your healthy fats as well such as avocados, hummus, seeds and nuts.  These are snacks that will help to sustain your blood sugar all day long so you don't feel that crash later.

Next, go to the grocery store to get your needed supplies.  Make note of where you are spending most of your time.  If it is on the outer parts of the store, you are doing it right.  If you are spending most of your time in the isles, you may be a little off track if you are trying to eat clean. If you need some help with ideas, feel free to email me. I would love to help you find healthy alternatives that will both satisfy you and keep you on track.

Another thing some people recommend is to go through their pantry and refrigerator to throw out all of their unhealthy foods they have in the house.  For most people, this is difficult because not everybody in your family is on board with your quest to eat cleaner....YET.  I am convinced that they will once you show them the awesome recipes you are eating and share with them how much better you feel!  Instead, I would recommend throwing away your top three "sabotagers".  You can find other things to keep around the house for your family members that are not as appeasing to you.  For instance, one of my friends keeps tootsie rolls in the house for her daughters because she does not like them and they do!

The next part may seem like a lot of work, but if you commit to doing it all in one day on the weekend, your week will be a breeze!  For instance, make up some ground beef or turkey and refrigerate it for later use.  It can be used for taco salads, spaghetti, or a number of other things throughout the week.  Cook some chicken breasts either on the grill or in your crockpot to shred.  These can be used in salads, tacos, soups or enchiladas. Put your snacks into serving size containers or baggies for easy access throughout the week.  Cut up your veggies for any recipe that requires them for the week and store in fridge.  This limits your time in the kitchen during the week.  All of this may take you 1 1/2-2 hours on a Sunday, but then you are totally prepared for what the week is about to throw at you!

Here is my typical meal plan for a day:

Breakfast: Shakeology or a bowl of oatmeal with bananas in it
An hour later: Matcha green tea and/or Kombucha
Mid-morning: a serving of mixed berries, watermelon, or grapes with almonds
Lunch: A salad with grilled chicken and pre-cut veggies  (click here for some easy homemade dressing recipes)
Mid-afternoon: serving of carrots and a serving of hummus or a Lara Bar
*If I workout after work, I will drink a protein drink after the gym within 30 minutes of my workout.
Dinner: A protein (i.e. grilled pork chop), a carb (i.e. sweet potatoes) and a veggies (i.e. brussel sprouts)
I rarely have desserts, but when I do, I eat a serving of chocolate covered almonds

If you would like more informatin about how to make meal planning easier for you, feel free to contact me at fitnessbarrone@gmail.com

Friday, August 5, 2016

Transformation from the Inside Out

So over the past few blogs, you have seen my personal transformation  that I achieved this summer on the inside through working out, eating right and coaching others to do the same. What I haven't shared with you yet is the physical (outside) transformation that took place as well.   It all began with leading a small group of wonderful ladies in a five day clean eating group at the beginning of summer.  Those ladies worked hard and inspired me in more ways than I can count.  They shared their appreciation  and success of  having the support they needed to stay on track with good, healthy eating habits which encouraged me to help more people do the same.  I felt it was a calling that I had been ignoring, no longer a choice.

So another group I set out to lead.  In this one, we did the Beachbody 21 Day Fix program together.  You see, when you run a group, you are not only a leader, but a participant.  You are in the trenches with your troops.  I have always enjoyed having leaders in my life who were willing to do the things that they were asking their fellow colleagues to do.  It just seemed to bring an added element of support and mutual respect to the table, and I wanted that for my groups. I liked that it held me accountable to practicing what I preached.   In our 21 DF group, we drank our Shakeology daily and shared the different mixes of flavors we tried (honestly, my favorite part!), and we had portion sized colored containers to use as measuring cups when eating our meals.  I'm not going to lie to you.   I had to learn to love this plan!  I say "learned" because in the beginning, I was making it harder than what it was intended to be, and I struggled with figuring out how to get all of my containers in each day.  That's right!  I ate less than my allotted containers for the day and wasn't getting in all of the food groups I needed.  I was just so used to counting calories and only eating from certain food groups when I was on other plans that it was difficult for me to shift my thinking to something so simple. I had so many containers of all of the food groups that it forced me incorporate healthy snacks into my day in order to get them all in.  That, in turn,  kept me from being so ravenous at the next big meal making portion control much easier.  Some days, I even felt like I ate so much that surely I had gained a pound or two.  I would have to hop on the scale the next morning because I just knew that I could not eat that much food and not gain weight!  Morning after morning, the scale proved to me that I can! I really hate being hungry so this was a great revelation for me.

Many of us started trying new recipes that were 21 DF approved.  I discovered that my plate doesn't always have to be a meat, a veggie and a fruit.  It can be enchiladas or casseroles.  I just needed to make them with clean ingredients, and make sure the portions were on point with the plan.  I have shared some of these recipes in the clean eating recipe tab at the top of the page.  I will continue to share more for you as I try new ones!

Another part of doing the 21 DF is completing a 30 minute workout daily.  I know they say 80% of how you look is determined by what you do in the kitchen, but working out is what accelerates the process.  This program comes with a DVD of nine 30 minute workouts and a plan of what to do each day.   At first, I stuck with my body pump workouts at the gym instead of using the DVD because I can't go as often once school starts. Then when work began, I decided to give them a try since I could do them at home before getting ready for work.  To my surprise, this one was very doable, but still challenging.  Also, there is a modifier in the video for those moves I was not yet strong enough to do. I was feeling sore in places I had forgotten I had! I definitely felt the burn and liked it!

So why am I telling you all of this?  Because I want to share my long awaited results with you!  In just 21 days, I lost 6.5 lbs and 6.4 inches, 2.5 of that being in my waist!!!  I am finally getting somewhere.  I know that may not seem like a lot to some of you, but it is HUGE for me in my entire summer transformation.  My clothes now fit more loosely (I almost need to go down a size! :)) and of course, my confidence is soaring.  Oh, and I forgot to mention that my blood results were AMAZING, too!  My HDL and LDL were both now in the "green" range!  But some people may say you can make up numbers and put them in a blog, but a picture says a 1000 words, right?  As a result of this whole process, I am going to share with you something I have never shared before with anyone --my before and after pictures.  As I said, I know the change is small, but the progress is a part of a larger package in redefining me.

Now, some people ask me, "What's next?"  "Your 21 days are over, so the plan ends, right?"  Well, that is the beauty of this plan.  It is designed for 21 days to start because how long does it take to build a habit?  21 days, right?  Now that it has become a habit for me to plan my meals, measure my portions and to workout daily, I will continue to use this plan as a lifestyle.  That doesn't mean that there aren't times when I will indulge in a treat. I do love my Mexican restaurants and Pie Five!  :)  I will just try to do it in portion controlled sizes and only in moderation.  I appreciate you for giving me to forum in which to continue my growth.  I would love to help you find a pathway to conquer your fears and insecurities as well.  We all have them.  Contact me if you are ready to embrace the challenge of changing from the inside out.  We can all do better when we are in it together!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

I am always looking for recipes to make that are both healthy and time savers.  Here is one I use often that I enjoy on the regular.  I hope you will enjoy it, too!

Unstuffed Cabbage Rolls

2 lbs of ground beef or turkey
1 lg. onion, chopped
1 small head of cabbage, chopped
2 (14.5 oz) cans of diced tomatoes
1 (8 oz) can tomato sauce
1/2 c. water
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 tsp. salt or Himalayan salt
1 tsp ground black pepper

Heat Dutch oven or large skillet over medium-high heat.  Cook and stir beef and onion until beef is brown and crumbly, 5-7 minutes; drain and discard grease.  Add cabbage, tomoatoes, tomato sauce, water, garlic, salt and pepper.  Bring to a boil. Cover and reduce heat to simmer until cabbage is tender (about 30 minutes).

Note: I also add turmeric to this while cooking because it spices it up a little and is so good for inflammation!  My husband likes to top with Parmesan cheese.  Add your own flare to it and share in comments.

Easy homemade salad dressing recipes

When people hear that I make my own mayonnaise and my own salad dressings, they look at me like I am crazy for slaving in the kitchen all day to make them.  Truth is, they are very easy and so much better for you than store bought.  Here are a few of my favorites that I took from Autumn Calabrese in her 21 Day Fix eating plan.

Balsamic Vinaigrette

6 Tbsp. balsalmic vinegar
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
1 tsp. raw honey (or pure maple syrup)
2 tsp. Dijon mustard
6 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

Combine vinegar, lemon juice, and honey in a medium bowl; whisk to blend.

Dijon Vinaigrette

3 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
3 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
3 Tbsp. Dijon mustard
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1/4 tsp. sea salt or Himalayan salt
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
6 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil

Combine vinegar, lemon juice, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper in a medium bowl; whisk to blend. Slowly add oil while whisking; mix well.

Note: The above two dressings are not only great on salads, but also as marinades for chicken and/or beef and for sauteing veggies. 

Creamy Herb Dressing

1 medium avocado, cut into chunks
1 1/2 cups nonfat Greek yogurt
4 Tbsp. finely chopped herbs (like tarragon, parsley, mint or cilantro)
3 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1/4 tsp. sea salt or Himalayan salt
1 dash ground white pepper
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil

Place avocado, yogurt, herbs, lemon juice, salt and pepper into blender; cover.  Blend until smooth.
Continue blending avocado mixture, slowly adding oil until well blended.  Store in refrigerator tightly covered until ready for use.  

Note:  This dressing is not only great for salads, but also for dipping veggies, too!

Homemade Mayonnaise
Here is the video I watched to learn how to make my own mayo!  It worked the first time and is super easy!  When I looked up how long the mayo lasts, it said it is safe for one week past the date on the eggs you used to make it as a rule of thumb.  This is great for tuna/chicken salads or as a base for making dips for veggies.

So you see, making your own dressings does not mean you become a slave to your kitchen!  It only takes a few minutes and is so worth the time!  Bon Appetit!

Chicken Enchiladas-21DF approved!

We tried this recipe the other night and it is definitely a repeater!  This proves that when you are doing the 21 Day Fix, you CAN have your Mexican food and eat it, too!  :)


·         3 chicken breasts, shredded (I boiled and then shredded mine with a fork)
·         1 can of diced tomatoes, no salt added (15.5 ounces, do not drain)
·         1/2 cup of salsa
·         1/2 large onion, diced
·         1/2 cup fat free plain yogurt
·         10 yellow corn tortillas
·         1 tsp olive oil
·         2 cups of Monterrey jack cheese, shredded
·         1 packet of stevia
·         1 tsp of fine sea salt

1.       Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2.       In a saucepan over medium heat, add olive oil and diced onion. Stir occasionally. Cook until onions are translucent. 
3.       Add diced tomatoes (don't drain them) to the onions. Cover and simmer on low until the tomatoes start falling apart. Mine took about 10-15 minutes.
4.       During this time, spray a 9x13 pan with non-stick cooking spray.
5.       Take your tortillas and place a couple of them between two damp paper towels and microwave until soft. I did 3-4 at a time and microwaved for 30-45 seconds. This will help make the tortillas soft enough to roll without ripping. 
6.       In each tortilla, fill with a little bit of cheese and chicken. I did enough chicken to fill the tortilla and about a tbsp of cheese. Roll your tortillas up and place in your 9x13 pan.
7.       Return to your sauce and add the salsa, Greek yogurt, stevia and sea salt. Allow it to simmer for a minute or two.
8.       Place sauce in a blender until smooth and then immediately pour over enchiladas.
9.       Cover with the remaining cheese.
10.   Bake for 30 minutes, or until the cheese is golden brown.
11.   Enjoy!

If you are following the 21 Day Fix:
1 red, 1 green, 1 yellow and 1 blue for TWO enchiladas.

Beef and brown rice taco bake

Beef and brown rice taco bake
This recipe is 21 day fix approved and DELicious!

  1. 1 cup uncooked brown rice or quinoa
  2. 1 yellow onion, chopped
  3. 3 cloves garlic, minced
  4. Jalapeno, chopped (optional)
  5. 20 oz lean ground beef or turkey
  6. Red, yellow or green pepper,chopped
  7. 1-2 tsp fresh lime juice
  8. 2 T Chili Powder
  9. 1 tsp Oregano
  10. ½ tsp Thyme
  11. 2 tsp cumin (optional)
  12. 1/3 cup Cilantro, chopped
  13. Hot Sauce (to taste – optional)
  14. 1 cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese
  15. 1 (15 oz) can tomato sauce (low sodium)
  1. Preheat oven to 350. Spray a 9X13 baking dish with EVOO, set aside.
  2. Boil brown rice in water on stovetop. Set aside
  3. In a 12” pan, spray with EVOO or cooking spray, add onion, garlic & jalapeno & sauté over medium-high heat for 1 minute.
  4. Add ground beef, breaking it up as it browns. Cook for about 5 minutes & add peppers. Cook for 3-4 minutes, or until meat is no longer pink.
  5. Add lime juice and seasonings. Stir to combine. Adjust seasonings to taste.
  6. Remove from heat - add rice (see notes below), tomato sauce, 1/4 cup of cheese & hot sauce (if using) to the skillet and stir to mix well.
  7. Pour mixture into baking dish. Top with remaining Cheddar.
  8. Cover with foil & bake for 20 minutes.
  9. Remove foil & bake an additional 10 minutes or until cheese is melted & edges are bubbling. Remove from oven & let cool for 10 minutes.
21 day fix counts
  1. 1 Red, 1 Green, 1 Yellow, 1 Blue, 1/4 Purple
  1. *1 cup uncooked brown rice = 2 cups cooked (roughly) -- 1 yellow container is roughly 1/2 cup. If you are following an active round of the Fix, measure out 4 yellows of rice to add to the meat mixture to ensure an accurate container count.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The "F" word

Fitness...I have found fitness to be absolutely KEY to the success and inner growth I have accomplished this summer and surprisingly, not for just the obvious reasons!  For about 14 years, I have been on and off diets.  I have also gone back and forth with working out regularly finding the same struggle to seeking the confidence and consistency I needed to be successful and stay successful.  It seemed that there were more missteps to count than successes. I am sure many of you have felt that way as well.  The alarm goes off and you hit snooze one too many times, one too many days and before you know it, working out is a thing of the past.  What about that pizza (or Mexican food for me) calls your name and you feel so hungry that you eat beyond full only to regret it soon after when your stomach hurts in rebellion.  We have all been there.  Some of us, like myself, have allowed those "slips" to define you one by one until you forget how strong and competent you really are.  How do you get motivated to "redefine" yourself?  To move beyond that dark hole that has sucked you in?  I found it is quite simple, but not necessarily easy.  Ask yourself, what motivates you? Is it a pair of pants you want to fit into again? Is it a person for which you want to live longer? Is it a blood test challenging you to improve?  Whatever it is for you, you need to find your "why". I did not realize that my motivation came from doing this for more than just me.   I discovered greater fulfillment in my own goals when leading others who desired health and fitness, too.  I found purpose in what I was doing because it was no longer just about me. You will know when you figure yours out because it is one of the most rewarding feelings you will feel, and you will be more than motivated to keep going even through those difficult setbacks.

One of the benefits I love the most about becoming a Beachbody Coaching is that it is so more than their products, more than advancing, more than the knowledge I have gained over the years within this field.  It is about how I now have the confidence to reach out to people I have always thought about, but never had the courage for fear of what they would think.  Not for Beachbody related things, but simply to reacquaint with them.  I am more kind and thoughtful toward others' daily struggles when in the past, I may have not given it much thought once I left their presence.  Now it genuinely lingers with me, and I find myself praying for people more often.  I workout more regularly because I feel accountable to the people I currently serve and will serve in the future. I am happy about eating clean because I have learned it has a direct impact on how I feel physically, mentally and emotionally which directly impacts the way I treat others.   I resist sharing an unkind thought about another because I think about how it may derail their efforts in finding their own purpose.  These are the things that matter. These are the things I believe God has always wanted for me, but I have let my internal fears control me.   I believe our purpose in life is to be in relationships with others so that we use our strengths to help others find and use theirs.  I am very blessed to have had this self- reflection time and am excited for what the future holds simply because I have rediscovered me!  It is and always was all about helping YOU!  :)

As most of you probably know, my summer is over so the time I had to personally reflect and redefine is ending. That does not mean that it is the end of my story.  It is actually a new beginning, of which I will continue to share as I go. I hope, so far, that you have seen that we are not as different as it may seem.  We all have experienced things in our lives that have set us back from reaching our full potential.  Some of those things we may still be harboring, but that does not mean we have to settle for where we are.  If you are at a point in your life where you know what you want, but are just not sure how to get there, why not begin with loving yourself enough to start with bettering your health?  I would love to be invited for the ride.  It could be the catalyst that changes everything for you just as it has for me.  I won't promise it will be easy, but I will say, it will totally be worth it!
