Friday, August 5, 2016

Transformation from the Inside Out

So over the past few blogs, you have seen my personal transformation  that I achieved this summer on the inside through working out, eating right and coaching others to do the same. What I haven't shared with you yet is the physical (outside) transformation that took place as well.   It all began with leading a small group of wonderful ladies in a five day clean eating group at the beginning of summer.  Those ladies worked hard and inspired me in more ways than I can count.  They shared their appreciation  and success of  having the support they needed to stay on track with good, healthy eating habits which encouraged me to help more people do the same.  I felt it was a calling that I had been ignoring, no longer a choice.

So another group I set out to lead.  In this one, we did the Beachbody 21 Day Fix program together.  You see, when you run a group, you are not only a leader, but a participant.  You are in the trenches with your troops.  I have always enjoyed having leaders in my life who were willing to do the things that they were asking their fellow colleagues to do.  It just seemed to bring an added element of support and mutual respect to the table, and I wanted that for my groups. I liked that it held me accountable to practicing what I preached.   In our 21 DF group, we drank our Shakeology daily and shared the different mixes of flavors we tried (honestly, my favorite part!), and we had portion sized colored containers to use as measuring cups when eating our meals.  I'm not going to lie to you.   I had to learn to love this plan!  I say "learned" because in the beginning, I was making it harder than what it was intended to be, and I struggled with figuring out how to get all of my containers in each day.  That's right!  I ate less than my allotted containers for the day and wasn't getting in all of the food groups I needed.  I was just so used to counting calories and only eating from certain food groups when I was on other plans that it was difficult for me to shift my thinking to something so simple. I had so many containers of all of the food groups that it forced me incorporate healthy snacks into my day in order to get them all in.  That, in turn,  kept me from being so ravenous at the next big meal making portion control much easier.  Some days, I even felt like I ate so much that surely I had gained a pound or two.  I would have to hop on the scale the next morning because I just knew that I could not eat that much food and not gain weight!  Morning after morning, the scale proved to me that I can! I really hate being hungry so this was a great revelation for me.

Many of us started trying new recipes that were 21 DF approved.  I discovered that my plate doesn't always have to be a meat, a veggie and a fruit.  It can be enchiladas or casseroles.  I just needed to make them with clean ingredients, and make sure the portions were on point with the plan.  I have shared some of these recipes in the clean eating recipe tab at the top of the page.  I will continue to share more for you as I try new ones!

Another part of doing the 21 DF is completing a 30 minute workout daily.  I know they say 80% of how you look is determined by what you do in the kitchen, but working out is what accelerates the process.  This program comes with a DVD of nine 30 minute workouts and a plan of what to do each day.   At first, I stuck with my body pump workouts at the gym instead of using the DVD because I can't go as often once school starts. Then when work began, I decided to give them a try since I could do them at home before getting ready for work.  To my surprise, this one was very doable, but still challenging.  Also, there is a modifier in the video for those moves I was not yet strong enough to do. I was feeling sore in places I had forgotten I had! I definitely felt the burn and liked it!

So why am I telling you all of this?  Because I want to share my long awaited results with you!  In just 21 days, I lost 6.5 lbs and 6.4 inches, 2.5 of that being in my waist!!!  I am finally getting somewhere.  I know that may not seem like a lot to some of you, but it is HUGE for me in my entire summer transformation.  My clothes now fit more loosely (I almost need to go down a size! :)) and of course, my confidence is soaring.  Oh, and I forgot to mention that my blood results were AMAZING, too!  My HDL and LDL were both now in the "green" range!  But some people may say you can make up numbers and put them in a blog, but a picture says a 1000 words, right?  As a result of this whole process, I am going to share with you something I have never shared before with anyone --my before and after pictures.  As I said, I know the change is small, but the progress is a part of a larger package in redefining me.

Now, some people ask me, "What's next?"  "Your 21 days are over, so the plan ends, right?"  Well, that is the beauty of this plan.  It is designed for 21 days to start because how long does it take to build a habit?  21 days, right?  Now that it has become a habit for me to plan my meals, measure my portions and to workout daily, I will continue to use this plan as a lifestyle.  That doesn't mean that there aren't times when I will indulge in a treat. I do love my Mexican restaurants and Pie Five!  :)  I will just try to do it in portion controlled sizes and only in moderation.  I appreciate you for giving me to forum in which to continue my growth.  I would love to help you find a pathway to conquer your fears and insecurities as well.  We all have them.  Contact me if you are ready to embrace the challenge of changing from the inside out.  We can all do better when we are in it together!

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