The last few weeks, I have totally experienced writer's block! I have started and stopped at least 3 blogs, but none of them were publish-worthy. Then I came across this new word that intrigued me. It was "novaturient". It means "desiring or seeking powerful change in one's life, behavior or situation". I think most of us as human beings are "novaturient", but we stop with just having the desire without taking any action to make it happen! We might even know the exact actions that we need to take, but are just too comfortable where we are or fearful of failing to take that leap of action.
Isn't it like that with a lot of things in life. We see making changes in our behaviors and habits as being too hard to try. Or maybe we are just waiting for "opportunity" to knock at just the right hour and then we will jump in? Change is hard, and sometimes it is our lack of faith in our abilities that gets us stuck and keeps us there. Someone once said, "You're desire to change has to be greater than your willingness to stay the same." I find that to be very true in my life. What I have learned when I do decide to take action is that that particular situation was designed to help me grow in some way. As a result, that "novaturient" desire is met making me feel more confident and complete in my life's purpose. We must be constantly learning and seeking ways to help each other connect and reach new heights.
It's kind of the same thing with health and fitness, which is my passion. We get stuck doing all of the things of convenience such as fast food stops, comfort food binges, and/or sitting through another Netflix binge instead of getting up and moving. We get stuck. Then before we know it, we have gained 10-20+ pounds, feel miserable and are insecure in our own skin! And then starting over is such a pain (literally) that we just can't even bear the thought of it so we try to convince ourselves that we will just learn to become content just as we are. Trust me, I have been through this cycle many times. There is something to be said for loving yourself unconditionally. I am all about that! However, when you put your health at risk because of fear of failure or being too comfortable, it might be necessary to tap into your faith. Faith that you can do it. Faith that you don't have to do it alone. Faith that you can succeed in becoming the healthy person you have always wanted to be.
So if you are finding yourself "stuck" as I described, here are some things to possibly help you start taking the steps you need to take.
- Visualize yourself in 5-10 years doing what you are doing now in all aspects of your life.
- Ask yourself if that is where you want to be?
- If not, make a list of realistic steps you need to do to get to where you want to be in that time frame.
- Commit to doing at least one of those steps a week. The first step is the hardest one, but it is okay to take baby steps. You're still moving in the right direction!
- Set a time frame as to how long this goal will take you. Deadlines can enforce action.
- Tell others what your goals are and what you are planning to do to reach them so that you have an accountability factor. You might even ask some people to join you in the same quest.
- Read personal development books that will encourage you to stay on the path you choose.
I hope this might be helpful to people who find themselves "stuck". You have lots of interpersonal growing awaiting you so be a little "novaturient"!
This is what the challenge groups I run are all about--the above steps. The only difference is you are doing it with a group as a group going towards the same goals. If you are "novaturient" and ready to create change in your health and/or fitness, I would be happy to help you set some goals and offer support along the way to help you feel more confident in your quest for developing better habits. I know it is hard to start over. I have been there and still struggle from time to time. It is so much better doing it with a team of people on the same mission! If interested, simply contact me via the email link below.
This is what the challenge groups I run are all about--the above steps. The only difference is you are doing it with a group as a group going towards the same goals. If you are "novaturient" and ready to create change in your health and/or fitness, I would be happy to help you set some goals and offer support along the way to help you feel more confident in your quest for developing better habits. I know it is hard to start over. I have been there and still struggle from time to time. It is so much better doing it with a team of people on the same mission! If interested, simply contact me via the email link below.
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