Friday, July 29, 2016

I am Comfortable! No, Thank You!

So you already know that this summer has been dedicated to redefining me, much to my surprise. Where did this idea come from?  It was not planned at all.  After all, who doesn't like to be comfortable?  We like comfort foods when we are stressed.  We pay a lot of money for comfortable beds to sleep on.  We watch TV in our comfy chairs.  Comfort is a wonderful word.....with one exception.   When it keeps us from fulfilling our purpose and helping other people do the same. Well, this summer, I was nudged to go "there".

I was tooling along one day, minding my own business.  I did my morning workout, drank my shake, was scrolling through facebook and saw a message from a coach from Beachbody.  She asked me if I wanted to join a coaching 101 class.  No pressure, just to get information to see if I would be interested in helping others with fitness and health since I had already incorporated those things into my life.  I reluctantly accepted with the thought in the back of my mind acknowledging that I would never be an active coach.  I was comfortable with just the discount on my shake and had no intention of moving forward.  During this online class, I had to watch daily videos regarding the tasks of coaching and what it entails.  Then a fleeting thought went through my head.  Could I really do this someday?  Then came THE day.  "Someday" didn't wait.  One of the "tasks" we were given was to INVITE people that we know to join a free 5-day accountability group that I LEAD!!  OMG!  There was no way I was doing that!  This is where this ship sails and I was done.  No way!  But as the day went on, I felt something inside of me telling me to just try it.  Then my negative voice would follow saying, "You probably won't get any interest anyway".  So I developed a plan.  I would go ahead and invite people, but if nobody was interested, I could say I "tried".  Fool proof!  So I invited my friends from facebook to a 5 day accountability group that I called The Summer Slim Down.  Pushing that "post" button was the hardest thing to do, but I did it and walked away.  By the end of the week, I couldn't believe it!  I had 28 fabulous ladies interested in joining my accountability group!  Great.... now what was I going to do?  The foolproof plan had just failed!

Shortly following this group formation, I woke up really early one morning with  ideas for this group popping into my head like popcorn! I had to get up because they just wouldn't stop flowing to let me sleep.  I sat down and made a list of my thoughts and how I could apply them to this group I now was running.  The coach leading my intro group sent us a 5 day meal plan to share with them so that was made easy!  BAM!  It was happening!  I thought since it was just 5 days, I might be able to handle this "group" thing.

I will never forget how much that first group of ladies inspired me to help them as well as others.  They interacted in the group by sharing recipes, making healthy food choices, some were getting active for the first time in awhile, all stepping outside of THEIR comfort zones, too!  It seemed easier for us all because we were not alone in our journey!  We were a group aligned with a common goal.  Guess what they said when it was over?  "Wish this group was longer!"  What? It had been a success!  My confidence in whether or not I could actually do this skyrocketed!

Ironically, the thing I loved most about this group of ladies is that I got to reconnect with them in a way I could not do by just hitting "like" on one of their posts in facebook.  My lack of confidence kept me from reaching deeper into relationships outside of my normal day. Being social was scary having a negative mind like mine.  I have always considered myself a glass half-full person.  I can make lemonade out of lemons most days.  However, this summer, I realized that that positivity only extended to circumstances, but not to the person inside of me.  That junior high school little girl inside of me still lived there and kept me on the sidelines just wishing I could be like others who were comfortable in the social realm.  It took taking that one baby step for me to realize that this was part of my purpose---to help others grow as I have in not only in fitness, but in developing their level of self confidence as well.  I CAN do this!

Isn't it funny how success and confidence grow just outside of your comfort zone?  I think back on how many times this had been true for me.  Even when I was literally pushed out by circumstances beyond my control, I have grown exponentially.  God works His plan in mysterious ways.  If you listen and take those first few steps, He will flood the door with so many possibilities that will prosper your growth.  I am finding that just outside of my comfort zone is where it all is! It is changing me from the inside out!

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